• I love to share my art and appreciate your stopping in. All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © little birdie studio. The creations here are for inspiration only. Please use my designs and ideas for your personal use only. Thanks!

Friday, July 13, 2007

I've been tagged!

Okay, I have been tagged so I need to list seven interesting things about me. Next I have to tag 2 people. Watch out it could be you!

Here goes:
1. I enjoy camping with friends on the beautiful beach dunes. Camping at the beach.

2. We bring our little white Maltese Molly on the motorcycle with us and she loves it. Don't worry she is harnessed and in a special backpack and we only go around town with her. Miss Molly
3. I have 4 grandsons all under the age 4; yes that's right 4 under 4 years old...Mimi's little men.
4. I enjoy reading Fantasies and have read all Harry Potter too!
5. When I go to a fabric store I want an unlimited Visa (with someone else to pay for it - dreaming here!) I love Fabric and creating things with it. Especially for little girls. Go figure I have grandsons! LOL
6. At one point we had the following family members in our home: 2 adults, 2 children, 4 dogs, 4 cats, 1 parrot, 1 ferret, 1 lizard (Chinese water dragon), 1 alligator (no joke) and fish. And big bottles of Zanax!! We have since downsized. The kids are on there own and now there's the two of us, 1 dog, 1 cat and 1 parrot. I'm still keeping the Zanax (just kidding)
7. We like to go to warm climates to vacation and scuba dive.
So there it is! Now I'm tagging:


Autumn Labbe-Renault said...

Hi Denise,

Enjoyed learning about you. You look much too young to be a grandma!

Autumn Labbe-Renault

Unknown said...

Hi Denise, done my bit and passed it on!!! to 2 others, great to learn about you
You could win an award for Youngest looking grandma ;p